30 Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Jawabannya Materi Persiapan Ujian Sekolah!

10 hours ago 3

Jakarta -

Si Kecil sedang belajar mempersiapkan ujian penilaian tengah semester (PTS) ya? Salah satu mata pelajaran yang akan diujikan adalah Bahasa Inggris.

Dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 1 semester 2, anak diharapkan mampu menjelaskan tentang benda. Tidak hanya itu, mereka juga diharapkan mampu menceritakan tentang binatang.

Pelajaran di semester ini turut menjelaskan tentang penggunaan 'He is' dan 'She is' untuk mendeskripsikan seseorang. Mereka juga diharapkan mampu mengidentifikasi tentang anggota keluarganya.

Penilaian Tengah Semester

Pada semester ini, Si Kecil juga akan menjelaskan tentang jenis-jenis buah. Mereka pun akan belajar tentang penggunaan 'have' dan 'has' saat menjelaskan tentang buah-buahan.

Contoh soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 Semester 2

Dikutip dari buku tugas My Next Words untuk SD kelas 1 karya Lala Intan gemala, dkk terbitan Kemendikbudristek dan Enrighment Reading Bahasa Inggris untuk SD karya Mien Kasmini, dkk, berikut ini Bubun bantu berikan contoh soal PTS Bahasa Inggris sebagai materi persiapan ujian Si Kecil:

Read the passage carefully!

I am Susi. I have a pet. It is a cat. Its name is 'Pussy'. It has very soft fur. It likes to eat fish and drink milk. I feed it twice a day. My cat likes to catch a mouse. It likes to play with a ball in the yard. It is a very funny cat.

1. Whats its Susi's cat name?

a. Funny
b. Pussy
c. Twice
d. Susi

Jawaban: B.

2. What does Susi's cat like to eat?

a. Milk
b. Mouse
c. Fish
d. Ball

Jawaban: C.

3. How often does Susi feed the cat?

a. Twice
b. Once
c. Everytime
d. Never

Jawaban: A.

4. What does Susi's cat like to drink?

a. Juice
b. Coffee
c. Water
d. Milk

Jawaban: D.

5. What Susi's cat like to do?

a. Drink water
b. Catch a mouse
c. Play in the bedroom
d. Eat biscuit

Jawaban: B.

6. What is 'Book' means?

a. Pensil
b. Bantal
c. Buku
d. Penggaris

Jawaban: C.

7. What is the meaning of 'Table'?

a. Meja
b. Kursi
c. Lampu
d. Karpet

Jawaban: A.

8. Translate this sentence to English
'Aku punya 10 penggaris'

a. I have three bags
b. I have ten rulers
c. I have one table
d. I have five books

Jawaban: B.

9. What do you use to carry books to school?

a. Bag
b. Shirt
c. Book
d. Sharpener

Jawaban: A.

10. Which of the following is a description of a pencil?

a. Pencil used for gardening
b. I use a pencil to carry books
c. Pencil is used for writing
d. Pencils have a square shape and are used for erasing

Jawaban: C.

Read the passage carefully!

It is Sunday. My sister and I do not go to school. My Father does not go to the office. My Mother usually goes to the market on Sunday.

Sometimes we go for a picnic. But, this Sunday we do not do it. Because my father wants to plant a mango tree in the garden. My sister and I help him. I like Sunday.

11. Who is go to the market on Sunday?

a. Me
b. My sister
c. Father
d. Mother

Jawaban: D.

12. What do we do sometimes on Sunday?

a. Picnic
b. Gardening
c. Going to school
d. Go to the market

Jawaban: A.

13. Why do they not go for a picnic this Sunday?

a. The father go to work
b. The father wants to plants mango tree in the garden
c. The mother cook all day
d. The narrator and her sister go to school

Jawaban: B.

14. Who helps the father with planting the mango tree?

a. Mother
b. The narrator and her sister
c. The gardener
d. The teacher

Jawaban: B.

15. What is the main activity the family does on this Sunday?

a. Go to the market
b. Plant a mango tree
c. Go for a picnic
d. Visit relatives

Jawaban: B.

16. Which of the following fruits is typically yellow when ripe?

a. Apple
b. Banana
c. Grape
d. Orange

Jawaban: B.

17. Which fruit is typically red and is often used to make jams and pies?

a. Peach
b. Cherry
c. Strawberry
d. Raspberry

Jawaban: C.

18. Which fruit is known for its small seeds inside and is often green, red, or black?

a. Grape
b. Kiwi
c. Pineapple
d. Papaya

Jawaban: A.

19. How would you describe the taste and texture of an apple?

a. Has a yellow peel, smoth texture, and sweet flesh inside
b. Typically sweet or slightly tart, with a crisp, crunchy texture and firm flesh
c. Has a smooth skin that can be red, yellow, or green, with a juicy, fibrous, and sweet flesh inside.
d. Creamy and smooth, with a mild flavor and a large pit in the center.

Jawaban: B.

20. How would you describe the taste of banana

a. Has a brown, fuzzy outer skin and bright green
b. They are juicy, sweet, and sometimes can be red, green, or purple
c. Has a yellow peel, smooth texture, and soft, sweet flesh inside with small black seeds
d. Has a soft, fuzzy, pink or yellow skin, with juicy, sweet, and slightly tangy flesh.

Jawaban: C.

21. Who is the person you call "grandfather"?

a. Your father's father or your mother's father
b. Your father's brother
c. Your uncle
d. Your father's son

Jawaban: A.

22. Who is your mother's mother?

a. Aunt
b. Grandmother
c. Sister
d. Niece

Jawaban: B.

23. Who is your uncle's wife?

a. Aunt
b. Mother
c. Sister
d. Cousin

Jawaban: A

24. U - C L E

What is the missing letter?

a. B
b. N
c. R
d. I

Jawaban: N

25. B R - T H E R

What is the missing letter?

a. I
b. C
c. O
d. A

Jawaban: O

Answer the question!

26. Please describe your family..

Answer: ...

27. What is your mother like to do?

Answer: ...

28. Please describe your sibling

Answer: ...

29. Name the beautiful place you like to visit with your family

Answer: ...

30. Who is in the family most like to play with you?

Answer: ...

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